What are your predictions for 2023?
What are your predictions for 2023?

What are your predictions for 2023?

It's been a crazy year and the amount and pace of announcements has been unprecedented.

What are your expectations for 2024? Here's a few that I expect to see next year.

A huge race in ai personal assistants like Siri and Alexa A personalities to become a much bigger thing - conversations to partly replace doom scrolling Voice / audio being utilized much more Models getting better with less parameters Gpt's to expand and enable building ui's to build full apps conversationally. The first few AI agents that can autonomously complete goal oriented multi step tasks Easy Integration into all the major apps. More scientific breakthroughs like the DeepMind’s Materials discovery. Grok will beat gpt 4 is some ways. Rise of digital companions.

Let's hear yours.

*Edit. Typo in title, meant 2024

submitted by /u/zascar
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