What are the most thoughtful people to listen to about AI, the future of it, social and economical implications, etc?
What are the most thoughtful people to listen to about AI, the future of it, social and economical implications, etc?

What are the most thoughtful people to listen to about AI, the future of it, social and economical implications, etc?

I'm looking for people from all camps.

People excited about the usefulness, people who are worried about it, and so on.

I feel like a lot of the articles I've been reading are from some Joe Schmo blogger and not the most authoritative people on the subject.

Who should I follow?

Or is there already literature that still holds value in todays world about it that I should read?

Preferably I'm looking for long form articles and things of that nature and not Twitter nuggets.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/Signal_Hedgehog_343
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