What are some of your favorite ai discoveries you’ve found? What do you think is possible and probable to come in the near future with ai to stay tuned for?
What are some of your favorite ai discoveries you’ve found? What do you think is possible and probable to come in the near future with ai to stay tuned for?

What are some of your favorite ai discoveries you’ve found? What do you think is possible and probable to come in the near future with ai to stay tuned for?

I've been dabbling around with pi.ai and I love it and feel like it's only going to get better and better at what it does. I'm curious if there is any interesting new ai bots or discoveries that haven't yet made it mainstream but have tons of use in one way or another for the average consumer..

Things like a language learning ai, or an ai that can read through a textbook or pdf and help you learn it's contents by practically interacting with it to help you comprehend better... there's so many interesting ai things I look forward to seeing

submitted by /u/mikel0202
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