What are AI apps/tools that really work and you are using them at least weekly?
What are AI apps/tools that really work and you are using them at least weekly?

What are AI apps/tools that really work and you are using them at least weekly?

Hello, I am preparing talk about AI for non-technical people, so I would like to ask you: Which AI apps/tools that you
- Use weekly or daily

- Is for nontechnical people

- Really works and is not in experimental phase?

Thank you very much! Im happy for any discussion.

Btw, for me, such tools are:

  • Phind
  • Grammarly AI extension
  • Lexica AI
  • Perplexity AI

Some other that I use occasionally or for technical use cases, but really love them"

  • Ollie AI
  • Cursor
  • Github Copilot
  • ChatGPT code interpreter plugin
submitted by /u/the_snow_princess
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