We really need a standard definition of AI before it gets even more abused by marketing teams behind every company who can write an if statement in some software.
We really need a standard definition of AI before it gets even more abused by marketing teams behind every company who can write an if statement in some software.

We really need a standard definition of AI before it gets even more abused by marketing teams behind every company who can write an if statement in some software.

I can't be the only one who is noticing this. It seems like every company that has a product with so much as an if-else statement can start claiming it's AI. There is absolutely no way all these products are powered by "AI" otherwise you could argue my toaster from 10 years has AI too since it "knows" when the toast is done.

LLM's and other tools are great and I use them almost daily, but we can't start calling anything with software, AI. Pretty sure we're going to start seeing "True AI" and "Ultra AI" and "AI Pro". I feel like we need something like those laws that define what "bread" or "cake" with the sugar content.

Am I wrong?

submitted by /u/XGhozt
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