Vintage stamp restoration project – Can AI remove unwanted marks if I use several scans of nearly identical stamps as training data?
Vintage stamp restoration project – Can AI remove unwanted marks if I use several scans of nearly identical stamps as training data?

Vintage stamp restoration project – Can AI remove unwanted marks if I use several scans of nearly identical stamps as training data?

I have a project that I think AI might be able to help with.

I have access to thousands of vintage postage stamps which also have cancelation stamps from when they were mailed. I'm thinking of publishing a book, and I want to create clean reproductions of the stamp designs without the cancelation marks.

If I train AI on high resolution scans of 10 to 40 identical stamps, is there a tool that can look for commonalities within the patterns and then remove conflicting artifacts (cancelation stamps, tears, and smudges)? I'm aiming for a 400% enlargement that shows off clean and accurate detail.

What tools would I need? I’d prefer not to upload these scans to the web. Are there downloadable tools available? I’m technologically savvy and very experienced in graphic design software but have no experience in coding.

All of this can be done manually in Photoshop, of course. But with thousands of stamp designs, I’d like to automate as much as I can.

Thanks in advance for any insights!

submitted by /u/fisheternal
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