Verses Ai explains HSML with a virtual robotics demo, skip to about ~35min in for natural AI approach, learning
Verses Ai explains HSML with a virtual robotics demo, skip to about ~35min in for natural AI approach, learning

Verses Ai explains HSML with a virtual robotics demo, skip to about ~35min in for natural AI approach, learning

Verses Ai explains HSML with a virtual robotics demo, skip to about ~35min in for natural AI approach, learning

They go over neuro/natural AI and some terminology like HSML for their private beta

It is a neat approach , they say its 10/100/1000x faster in many areas of AI than competitors but the major bottleneck at this time is LLM external calls to help translate stuff back to humans (voice or text) which may improve with more AI agents

Their approach is multiple decentralized agents that can learn and share information such as multiple drones or robots working together and experiencing different visual or data or audio experiences.

They have a focus on regulation/compliancy approach rather than using copyright/web scraping. Also each agent can have different permissions like a weather agent not having access to patient phi medical records.

As a side note , its a heavily shilled startup otc stock so be cautious to hype :)

Drone example pilot in EU for security:

I would like to see their agents with compliancy in drones as “child detected dont bomb”

Or “this is copyright material dont steal for learning”

submitted by /u/oroechimaru
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