Using ChatGPT to Search Online Products. Walmart Collaborates with Microsoft.
Using ChatGPT to Search Online Products. Walmart Collaborates with Microsoft.

Using ChatGPT to Search Online Products. Walmart Collaborates with Microsoft.

On January 10th, Microsoft announced on its official website a partnership with Walmart, the world's largest supermarket, in generative AI technology.

Walmart, leveraging Microsoft Azure OpenAI's large language model and its proprietary e-commerce data, is creating an e-commerce search function similar to ChatGPT.

For example, in the past, if you wanted to host a World Cup party, you would have to search for an e-commerce platform for various items, including chips, soda, candy, and even a suitable television.

Now, with the new generative AI search, you can simply enter "I want to host a World Cup party" directly into the e-commerce search bar, similar to using ChatGPT.

Walmart's e-commerce platform will automatically display all the necessary products, helping users save a lot of time in selecting items.

Currently, this feature has been launched on Walmart's iOS mobile app (version 23.47 and higher).

It's worth mentioning that on August 30, 2023, Walmart offered about 50,000 campus employees a ChatGPT-like assistant called "My Assistant."

It helps employees draft emails, summarize content, and generate creative marketing copy, enhancing work efficiency and saving time. It is precisely due to the efficiency of generative AI that Walmart further expanded its application.

Walmart stated that the main reason for choosing Microsoft Azure OpenAI is its enterprise-level data security, compliance, and powerful cloud service capabilities.

Generative AI search has taken e-commerce platforms from "scrolling search" to a new phase of "targeted search," providing users with a better shopping experience.

submitted by /u/Stupid_hardcorer
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