Using AI with Pdf to study Science ?
Using AI with Pdf to study Science ?

Using AI with Pdf to study Science ?

I got PDFs for Math Chem and Physics, example - . Indian government free books.

  1. Will AI be able to read the pdf properly ? It has watermarks, there could be somethings be misaligned, problems with Math symbols, these books are written with each page divided into 2 columns, some text seems to be images/handwritten-image.
  2. Will AI read the diagrams?

I want AI to -

  1. Remove repetition of info. and useless information.
  2. Separate explanation and things to learn (definition and formula).
  3. Add more explanations where needed.
  4. Explain Math where difficult. Option to explain how a expression was turned into next step ?
  5. Properly categorize topics.
  6. Add links to wiki and other sources.
  7. Text Summarization: Use AI tools to summarize lengthy scientific articles or PDFs. Tools like BERT-based summarizers can help condense information while retaining key concepts.
  8. Keyword Extraction: Employ natural language processing (NLP) models to extract important keywords from the PDFs. This can assist in understanding the central themes and topics covered.
  9. Concept Mapping: create visual representations of the relationships between different concepts in PDFs. This aids in grasping interconnectedness.
  10. Flashcard Generation
  11. Question-Answering Systems
  12. Topic Modeling: Apply topic modeling algorithms to identify and categorize the main themes within PDFs.
submitted by /u/RedditNoobie777
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