US Politician proposes database of AI training material…
US Politician proposes database of AI training material…

US Politician proposes database of AI training material…

... replete with restriction on the use of copyrighted material and other hurdles.

Most of us here and on the other Reddit AI groups are enjoying the amazing improvements we've experienced in AI in the last few years. Huge advances in chat and text, image generation, video generation and music generation. We're very close to AGI and very close to having at our fingertips powerful new AI tools to solve some of our most intractable problems.

One reason the US has excelled and dominated AI development is that it does not put the kinds of restrictions on AI that places like the EU do. How many of these great development are coming from the EU?

As an artist whose paintings sell in galleries and a published writer myself, I hear other creators worrying about AI but how many artists have actually suffered genuine harm from AI-generated work? These restrictions are "fixing" a problem that doesn't exist. They risk slowing down the greatest technological advance humans have ever made, and hobbling great tools like ChatGPT. Midjourney, DallE Opus, and Sora, etc.. Imagine a world where all that stuff comes to a stop or gets a lot dumber, thanks to politicians.

submitted by /u/Intelligent-Jump1071
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