US Copyright Office seeks public input on AI and copyright
US Copyright Office seeks public input on AI and copyright

US Copyright Office seeks public input on AI and copyright

The US government is taking steps to address the complex and controversial issues around AI and intellectual property rights. The US Copyright Office is opening a public comment period on August 30th to hear from various stakeholders on the topic.

Important Details:

  • The agency is asking for comments on three main questions: How should AI be defined and categorized for the purposes of copyright? What are the implications of AI for the rights of authors and owners of works? What are the implications of AI for the liability and responsibility of users and distributors of works?
  • The agency also wants to hear about related issues, such as: how AI may affect publicity rights and unfair competition laws. The agency notes that AI may create works that mimic or impersonate the voices, likenesses, or styles of real people, which could raise ethical and legal concerns.
  • Finally, they want to determine how AI may affect moral rights and cultural heritage: The agency acknowledges that AI may create works that are derivative or transformative of existing works, which could affect the reputation and integrity of the original creators and their communities.

The deadline to submit your comments is October 18th and specific instructions for submitting comments are available on the Copyright Office website.

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submitted by /u/AIsupercharged
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