Universal AI translation layer on top of OS will make OS invincible and perhaps kill Microsoft / Apple?
Universal AI translation layer on top of OS will make OS invincible and perhaps kill Microsoft / Apple?

Universal AI translation layer on top of OS will make OS invincible and perhaps kill Microsoft / Apple?

So Bill posted to /r/artificialintelligence his bit abount ai agents in windows. But I think we should get a layer instead. A sort of translation layer that translates how to use OS to the AI / User.

This layer should be smart, every program that is installed on a computer should give the layer custom instructions how to use it. So this layer should understand the underlying OS and work as a gateway between the user / user AI. Perhaps it can even be universal so it can work on top of OS X, Windows, Linux etc.

Once we have that, the AI can talk to the OS directly and ask it to do things and the layer will translate requests into actions.

Then, when we walk around, perhaps the AI - our personal assistant can talk invincibly to devices around us and we will not even know. It will talk directly to this translation layer and the translation layer will use the bank app / the metro transit app / the communicator app / the health care app and so forth.

If this happens. We may no longer really need OS brand X as it makes sense to just use what works. Which means that Windows and Apple may be on their way out and cheapest system which is Linux.. Will replace them.

submitted by /u/aluode
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