U.S. Tightens China’s Access to Advanced Chips for Artificial Intelligence
U.S. Tightens China’s Access to Advanced Chips for Artificial Intelligence

U.S. Tightens China’s Access to Advanced Chips for Artificial Intelligence

  • The Biden administration has announced additional limits on sales of advanced semiconductors by American firms to China, in an effort to restrict China's progress on supercomputing and artificial intelligence.

  • The new rules will likely halt most shipments of advanced semiconductors from the United States to Chinese data centers, which use them to produce models capable of artificial intelligence.

  • Chip makers seeking to sell China advanced chips or the machinery used to make them will be required to notify the government of their plans or obtain a special license.

  • To prevent the risk of advanced U.S. chips reaching China through third countries, chip makers will also need licenses to ship to other countries subject to U.S. arms embargoes.

  • The Biden administration argues that China's access to advanced technology is dangerous as it could aid the country's military in tasks like guiding hypersonic missiles or cracking top-secret U.S. codes.

  • The restrictions may affect Chinese companies developing AI chatbots and could weaken China's economy in the long run, as AI is transforming industries from retail to healthcare.

  • The limits are also expected to impact sales to China of U.S. chip makers such as Nvidia, AMD, and Intel, who earn a significant portion of their revenue from Chinese buyers.

  • The rules will exempt chips used in commercial applications like smartphones, laptops, electric vehicles, and gaming systems.

  • The Semiconductor Industry Association, which represents major chip makers, is evaluating the impact of the updated rules.

  • The Biden administration has been trying to counter China's growing mastery of cutting-edge technologies by investing in new chip factories in the U.S. while setting restrictions on exports of technology to China.

Source : https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/17/business/economy/ai-chips-china-restrictions.html

submitted by /u/NuseAI
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