Trying to create an AI clone of myself that replicates my life experience and speech patterns. What’s the best way of going about this?
Trying to create an AI clone of myself that replicates my life experience and speech patterns. What’s the best way of going about this?

Trying to create an AI clone of myself that replicates my life experience and speech patterns. What’s the best way of going about this?

As the title says, I've been trying to create a digital representation of myself. I started by transcribing recordings of me talking about my life experience and perspectives on the world and feeding the info into chatGPT and asking it to act as if it were me. It's been working pretty well, and it seems to be pretty adept at drawing from the transcript to accurately discuss my life and internal world and even extrapolating upon the provided info to discuss things that I didn't specifically tell it about.

I keep adding to the transcript, using the chatGPT long prompt splitter to feed it all into the machine but it's been getting a little buggy with so much info. I was wondering if any more technically inclined individuals know of a program/resource that I could use besides chatGPT that would be better suited for accomplishing this goal. Thanks!

submitted by /u/woskk
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