

The other day I learned about Thermodynamic Computing Tl;dw - These two engineers (one a hardware engineer the other a software engineer) are making chips which uses environmental noise to increase efficiency and accuracy. And it is hitting me more and more that if the Governments of the World as well as Critics (aka “AI Doomers”) don’t roadblock these advancements and breakthroughs then we will by push velocity of advancement, get to a point where the idea will be proposed (like by Mr. Musk, lol) that we blend Biology & Technology.
This debate Im sure is being spoken about in circles but as far as on social networks such as this, There is a sub for this type of conversation but that usually only where I see this discussed. But I see this becoming a big point of debate and discussion.

What would be the implications?
What would be the benefits?
What would be the detriments?

For me - My understanding or my beliefs held on the Soul, Existence, The Creator and other fields of thought related to such things would allow me to easily make the decision of blending with technology. My reasoning?
Besides what I have already said about my understandings and beliefs, I hold a belief that life is life, no matter its form or outward appearance. I also suspect that the purpose of Free Will is also related to evolution and growth, where we as an intelligent species (in the sense of being able to make decisions and choices) are expected to grow and evolve as high as we can. This doesn’t ever mean we ascend beyond God or try to outdo God, it means we reflect our Creators attributes and work to make not just society or this planet, but the galaxy and the universe and more better place.

Lol I know im looking at things from a cup half full perspective but just wanted to see what other’s thoughts about Transhumanism are.

submitted by /u/Kasozi_Group
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