Today’s News: AI Robo-Dogs ๐Ÿถ | Google Bard ๐Ÿš€| Gradio 4.0 ๐Ÿค—| AI Regulation
Today’s News: AI Robo-Dogs ๐Ÿถ | Google Bard ๐Ÿš€| Gradio 4.0 ๐Ÿค—| AI Regulation

Today’s News: AI Robo-Dogs ๐Ÿถ | Google Bard ๐Ÿš€| Gradio 4.0 ๐Ÿค—| AI Regulation

  • Bard AI Googleโ€™s equivalent of ChatGPT updated the model improving email summarization capabilities this feature is set to be included in Google Workspace.
  • AI robot dogs are the next big thing in the army. Following the success of Drones portable dogs have demonstrated great capabilities to serve the military they could run up to 10mph and climb.
  • Gradio is one of the best libraries to build machine learning demo apps and is launching version 4.0 next week.
  • AI godfathers Yoshua Bengio and Geoffrey Hinton, are urging for increased responsibility among AI enterprisees. They propose to allocate a third of AI-related R&D resources to ensure ethical AI use to avoid deep fakes, licensing, and protecting whistleblowers.
submitted by /u/byteletter
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