Today we test which AI is smartest. Tomorrow AI tests which human is smartest.
Today we test which AI is smartest. Tomorrow AI tests which human is smartest.

Today we test which AI is smartest. Tomorrow AI tests which human is smartest.

Somewhere in the world there's a person who is the smartest. Why stop there? There are ten people who are the smartest. And if they are on the Internet, AI will find them.

Perhaps not yet. It probably needs to get smarter. Maybe by Gemini. Or GPT-5. But eventually an AI will analyze all of the content on the Internet, and determine from that data who are the ten most intelligent people on the planet, (whose material is online).

Of course if AI can determine the top ten, it can certainly determine the top 100, and the top 1,000, and even the top 100,000. I suppose when that happens there will be a lot more human brain power available to solve our problems. Although by then AI will be solving them far better than we could, haha.

But think about it for a minute. There are very smart people out there who don't publish in traditional mass media channels. The geniuses among us who don't fit in so well, and are therefore resigned to the margins, remaining unrecognized.

Wouldn't it be great if AI discovered them, and gave them the validation they deserve? Wouldn't it be great to find out who they are so that they can better work on whatever.

submitted by /u/Georgeo57
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