Time to upskill
Time to upskill

Time to upskill

I'm a motion graphics artist and animator based in New Zealand. We have a small population and the economy taking a hit (which is what has happened here there and everywhere) is a serious problem for such a small economy and motion graphics industry. Jobs in my industry, freelance or full time have suddenly become very thin on the ground. I don't think this is yet AI related but that's coming too and it really has me reflecting. Time to re skill.
I'm aware of many of the fully automated generative AI tools that exist right now. They are fun and make cool looking shit but aren't what's going to be useful in the long term. What are the tools or technology that are emerging which a director of animation should be learning currently. The sort of thing where I can act like a director, have control of what I want to achieve but utilize current/upcoming tech to achieve those results faster or quicker than anyone else. An example would be great motion capture from 2D video sources. I cant say I'm over the moon about how much of my industry is about to me decimated but it's happening and I like eating/having a roof over my head. Any tips from this community on what software/tools I should be looking at and learning as they develop right now? Thank you :)

submitted by /u/Ludenbach
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