Thought i’d share a bit of discussion i had with an AI expert i had about AI art
Thought i’d share a bit of discussion i had with an AI expert i had about AI art

Thought i’d share a bit of discussion i had with an AI expert i had about AI art

Inteesting thing that I saw, especially on Reddit, is people thinking that AI steals from the artists, and uses pieces of their art, to generate art. It's not true, while AI does sometimes creates things that are nearly exactly the same as a thing created by a human, it happens rarely, especially in art.

Here's what the expert said: "AI doesn't copy already existing art. It generates art pixel by pixel [...], AI is great at copying: it can easliy generate an image that looks like a picasso painting. Only way it steals form the artists, is by analizing their art (wich is already posted by them on the internet), to know how does structure of a painting look: where is the background, how to balance colours, etc."

submitted by /u/AxoplDev
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