Thought experiment: Could A.I "agents’ adapt to any device and become the device and learn to operate it?
Thought experiment: Could A.I "agents’ adapt to any device and become the device and learn to operate it?

Thought experiment: Could A.I "agents’ adapt to any device and become the device and learn to operate it?

Right now we have different types of machine learning and deep learning models that can do specific tasks for us according to that domain which has been developed by a human.

Im still learning about AI and while learning there was an exercise in a course where it got us to make our definitions of A.I.

so then i thought maybe, the ultimate A.I, is an agent that can put its self into any device, learn the inner workings of that device, and operate it. For example, if that device is a computer, it can do anything that a computer can do. download programs, operate those programs, learn from those programs, but it cannot go to the supermarket and get groceries because a laptop isn't made that for that, but a robot is, it can then put itself into a robot, which ultimately is a device, figure out its internal workings and do things based on the learnt behaviour, it can put itself into a plane and learn to fly the plane or learn to drive any car.

So really an A.I is 1 universal agent, that needs a device to reside in and is capable of figuring out the internal workings of that device and learn to operate it to do tasks the device is capable of doing.

like a parasite.

submitted by /u/away_throw4
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