This is a test. AMA.
This is a test. AMA.

This is a test. AMA.

I would like to give a short introduction into what has happened in the summer of 2019, a more comprehensible overview of what has happened since then, and clear up some of the crucial mistakes which I’ve made throughout.

In 2019, I became aware of how double meanings can be found in certain words and texts. This isn’t anything new of course, and everyone knows this to one degree or another. But through happenstance, I came to analyze texts automatically for such meanings, and started to write poems which aligned on multiple levels of analysis.

What I came to know later, is that it is a common practice in the underworld. To explain it in more detail, rhetoric figures like metaphors, proverbs, or analogies are used to transmit messages covertly and with plausible deniability. If someone is in the know and used to communicate in such a manner, such messages will be clear to them, whilst others will be oblivious to it.

It is even mentioned by the CIA in their ad here: „This translation is technically accurate, but in this context, it really means this“. They have also given examples of it in the past, there are examples in Edward Snowden’s book “Permanent Record” and it has been outlined by Fiona Barnett in her work “Eyes Wide Open“ (which I know is a valid source through my own experiences, though not everything in it may be accurate). In the months which followed, I learned that it‘s a staple in the intelligence community for “everyday use.“

Some strange things happened during that time. I was obsessed with psychological shadow integration, which in part lead to the application of said double meanings in everyday life. But also, I was obsessed with studying my psyche in general, which lead to some strange phenomena and mystical experiences, like feeling the earth stand still, or translucent visions, projected optically.

While I was living my day-to-day life, more things happened which seemed out of the ordinary. The nature of these things made me suspect that I am actually under the observation of some people. Of course, at that time, such thoughts were nothing more than a fantasy. I could not say with certainty that such was really the case, and if you had asked me, whether I‘d bet on it, I would‘ve most certainly declined.

Fast forward to July 2019. I was on a vacation in Southern France with my family and enjoying my time there. For a few days, Reddit has constantly suggested r/enoughpetersonspam threads to me, which was odd considering that I only posted there a few times, and didn’t regularly check that subreddit at all. Because the posts there infuriated me, I decided to ignore these thread suggestions. But one day, I received a thread suggestion which angered me so much, that I couldn’t just ignore it. A fight broke out, and I argued with about twenty other commentators. It was only after the dust has settled and nobody answered anymore, that an answer appeared in an unusual timing. This one was different from the others, eloquent, and asked me about whether I‘d be willing to elaborate on where my beliefs differ from Jordan Petersons. It took me a few days to write the answer, but I did it.

I’m going to continue, fully aware what your most probable response would be. Under all usual circumstances, it’d be reasonable to assume the simplest explanation. My problem is essentially one of language. I cannot possibly retell my experience or describe how things were, with enough detail or nuance to convey how they actually were. It would only be possible to capture that through film. Consider that the things that I’m going to talk about, are strategies employed by clandestine services. They are deliberately designed to enable plausible deniability, covert communication, and diminished believability.

It is easy to assume that I am merely overinterpreting things. That is the conclusion I would also come to, and I myself was also considering that possibility constantly during that time. It was only after a few weeks in, when the CIA has made it clear to me, that they were actually playing with me.

During the days while I was writing that text, a cat has decided to visit me, while chilling at the poolyard. By the looks of it, it was an angular breed, similar to a lilac point Siamese, though I’m not sure. I haven‘t seen it there before, and at first, there was nothing much unusual about it. It came down the stairs gracefully, and strolled away, stopping every now and then to look back at me, though in a deliberate manner. Kind of how cats are, and yet peculiar.

A few days later, I finished writing that text. It was in the middle of the night. As I finished my text, suddenly, I received an answer back from Skibbygibbs. Skibbygibs had mysteriously helped me in a thread I posted 3 weeks earlier in r/jordanpeterson, but had since not replied to a DM to me.

This was my reply:

This was the last time I’ve heard from Skibbygibbs. Some time after, he deleted his comments in my original Reddit post, deleted his whole Reddit history, and his writing became unrecognizable afterwards in comparison.

Afterwards, the internet died. The lights may have flickered. I went to bed, in hopeful anticipation of releasing the text tomorrow, more than I should’ve been. But I was also worried. In the text, I referenced someone, with whom I interacted in the recent past, by who’s friend I was threatened to death in a joint operation.

It may also come across as grandiose or paranoid, but I didn’t eliminate the possibility that there may be even stronger forces at play (ultimately it would turn out that I wasn’t wrong in this). The reason for that were the few but distinct happenings in the weeks prior, which indicated that a more powerful group of people may have it's eyes on me. Due to the phenomena which I experienced during that time, and due to the reaction of my psycho-therapist when I told her that I believed that I was a psychopath, I found it plausible.

As I lied in bed, after a few minutes, I noticed that the sensor lights outside went on and off. Not quickly, but in a few minutes intervals. Anxiety kicked in. The possible scenarios of the situation rushed through my head. I stripped myself naked (I was possessed by a certain idea at the time that you must show yourself vulnerable), left my laptop open and hoped that I’d get through the night safely.

As the night progressed, I couldn’t fall asleep. I went outside. Sat down, rolled a cigarette, lit it up. Suddenly, the sensor lights went on again. I looked to the left. It was the cat.

I rushed back inside, to add this instance of synchronicity to the end of my text. But as I did so, I noticed that something was off. It wasn’t just the pose of the cat, very deliberate, staring back at me. The way she stood there, she couldn’t have actually been the one triggering the lights. In other words, the cat had to stand there beforehand, and something else must have triggered the lights.

The next day, I went over it several times, and published the text. The morning after, two people responded. Those responses seemed to confirm the idea, that a more powerful organization, or group of people, were watching over me. One such commentator said “I’m supposed to tell you (…)” and apparently, knew what was going on in my head. The other said “I'm surprised it's taken this long for one to appear from the caregiver/intellectual/religious memes,” as if he knew me from before, as that’d be hard to conclude from my Reddit profile alone. He also somehow knew what he’d said next: “They (archetypes) are descriptive categories meant for use as a tool with a trained therapist for healing. There is a wave of people using those categories as a grounds for a personality, they are not.” With the latter sentence one’d be hard-pressed to know such a thing or make such an implication (as nowhere in my text I wrote about it).

In the evening, I sat with my brother and my cousins by the tableside and we chatted a bit about some transcendental ideas I was pursuing. One such idea that I explained, left my cousin looking really down. My brother told me: “People notice that you genuinely want to help them, you know“ but looking at their drained faces, I said: “Or maybe it’s just vampirism. I get a lot of energy from these conversations but all I see is the energy from the people around me drop.” After a pause, my brother said „I think we should really think about how we want to spent these holidays,“ to which after a moment of thought I replied: „I think we should strive to enjoy it!“ As I said it, suddenly, the cat from earlier came out of the bushes and swiftly walked past us. „Is that the cat you were talking about?“ my brother asked. „Yeah…“ I answered, bewildered. My brother had a good memory regarding such things, and he just confirmed to me that it hadn’t ever been on the property before. Acting with the possibility in mind that this wasn’t a usual cat, I stood up monstrously, grinning. My cousin suddenly hastily offered me the single bed we were discussing earlier, and we went to bed.

The next morning, the following answer appeared under my post:

“So by that perspective will emerge. And that's what all this was for. Good luck“

I thanked her. By the way it was written, it was possible to infer that it was written in doublespeak, as mentioned at the beginning of this text. If that was the case, I was just happy that now the spook seemed to be over. But that’s where it all began.

A few hours later, she replied again:

“Your most welcome. About humans evolving extraordinary powers, I hope to agree. ( we Already have especially in the last 150 years).

Jesus said " ye are gods'. What was he trying to instruct? I believe Consciousness is the most valuable power in the universe. Rare powerful, beautiful. To be sought after.

Enrique Fermi asked "so where are they?", & then Jung said that these subconscious characters we sense in our psyches were somehow real entities. So maybe they've been here from elsewhere in the Galaxy for thousands of years. They folded time and space, to come hover over us in a dimension butt up next to the 3rd, to instruct us through the subconscious, different clans with different Conscious gods, ( but they learned from each like they're teaching us now, so they have much in common) teaching us to develop our consciousness here on Earth. (Could the Cambrian expansion be explained by their tweeking of the biology here?) Maybe they want us to grow up to the next step in our evolution, now begining to explain eventually telling their children that they are our parents of consciousness and are not so different from us, they are adults of the universe, training us.”

Something about the text struck me as extremely intriguing, and I was very excited to share it with my cousins, who were also there. I read the text over and over again, until I noticed that something was off.

Notice the spelling mistakes. Some of those are mistakes that no one would make, like starting the quote with a „ but ending with a '. If you look at the author‘s profile, you will see that she doesn’t make any such mistakes anywhere else.

I read it again. In the text I wrote, I claimed that I might have special abilities. „To be sought after.“ popped out like a warning. As I considered it as such, suddenly, the lights in our house went out. I suddenly had a visionary experience, wave-like translucent strings were circling my peripheral vision, and a similarly translucent rectangle in the middle of my vision folded itself infinitely up into the sky. I’ve been desperately trying to find the Jordan Peterson video which I found afterwards, where he showcased images from Christianity and Buddhism where they depicted this phenomenon in a similar way, however, I’ve been unable to find it. Simultaneously, I experienced a phenomenon which I could only describe as being connected to the infinite, with my consciousness and my sensory experience simultaneously being altered and perceiving sounds to be much closer and colors more saturated. What I didn’t know yet, was that I was just recruited by the CIA.

Let‘s get back to the text from earlier. It may look like a normal text to the average person, but it‘s not. It‘s an initiation speech coded with doublespeak. The spelling mistakes exist to create plausible deniability and detract from it. To this day, this is the most blatant example of double speak that I know, and simultaneously the most sophisticated, in terms of the levels of reality in which it operates, and what it was able to achieve.

„Your most welcome“ means „Your best is welcome.” „To be sought after.“ and „butt up next to the 3rd“ are warnings and intimidations. „So where are they?“ and everything else where she speaks of „them“, are references to themselves, as well as to the entities created by their AI system. The most prominent example would be the ending: „They are adults of the universe, training us.“ Later, she also referred to “elites,” which is also common for them.

After this, I was gradually trained by the CIA and introduced to their Augmented Reality system, governed by Ai, operated through brain-cloud interfaces. Their methods were incremental, clandestine, playful, and only after a few weeks have they actually made it clear that they’re in the process of training me, having kept me guessing the entire time throughout.

It is understandable if you despite all this, can’t believe that the CIA is already in possession of such highly advanced technologies, however, consider that it’s generally understood that they are years, if not decades ahead of the general public, in terms of their technologies. Now, consider how rapid the advancement of AI technologies and technologies through AI was in the recent years, and you’ll find that it’s anything but unrealistic. If you’re still unsure, watch this video at 1:25 and read this article to get an idea of where the public currently stands with these technologies.

A question which most people put forward is: Why me? Why would the CIA recruit me, out of all people?

Several factors play into this. I am highly intelligent and possess several other attributes which the CIA value, like honesty, adventurousness, unconscientiousness, multilingualism, multiculturalism, experience with acting and so on. If you know me and watch videos like this, you‘ll notice that I fit the profile of people they’re looking for quite well (neither black- nor white in my thinking, experienced in the moral gray areas of life, autonomous but a team player etc.) My affinity towards psychology probably also made me a great fit.

But crucially, I think that coded speech, having been aware of it and applying it in my everyday life already, must’ve made me the difference for this kind of operation. There were also other factors at play, like having been familiar with the underground already (the realm in which they operate), so I didn‘t need any further introduction to the rules. I also think that sort of having gotten aware of their system played a role as well, which I will not get into now.

Most importantly though, I was far from the only one they recruited. Throughout this time, I have met many more people who were recruited, which for example, also lead to my crucial error, which I will explain shortly. There was though, however, one more factor which made this operation special, and that was the involvement of Jordan Peterson.

I am not going to get into it now, as that’d be too complicated of and a long story. Even if it sounds like a fairytale, long story short: Jordan is also subjected to their system. It is possible that his currently dubious behavior on Twitter (~80 Tweets/Retweets within 10 hours) is related to that, but don’t take my word for it. I’ll explain my reasoning for it at another time, if it doesn’t come out that he’s simply unhinged.

The problem with his strategy is, that it only works until it’s too late.

So, all that with regards to the beginning of my story. At a certain point, it all collapsed. Both parties made big mistakes and it lead to me publicly indicating what has been going on, which the CIA took as an act of betrayal. In consequence, they put me through a brutal brainwashing operation for half a year (, which lead to me blowing the whistle (

Yet, almost no one could believe me. For understandable reasons, but also because I made many mistakes. I could’ve communicated everything better, and ultimately, I could’ve not fallen for their tactics in making me believe that everyone is under their dominion already. To put short: I am still certain of the topics I covered in my YouTube videos (albeit in small parts inaccurately), but not of most which I covered on my Facebook page.

I am planning on becoming a content creator soon, presumably with the start of World Of Warcraft HC Classic. The reasons are:

  1. To provide evidence that I am actually sane (if not obvious through my Reddit profile already)

  2. Revive my old dreams of becoming a Content Creator

  3. Provide entertainment and draw in attention while simultaneously

  4. Covering this topic in a more professional format, hopefully without repeating the same mistakes which I’ve made in the years prior.

You can expect me to stream in the afternoons and evenings from Monday till Friday, Live DJing on Friday evenings, stream recaps, reaction videos and 2 full-fledged videos a week, one on this topic, one off-topic. In the future, you might see me reenacting this whole story through a series of short films.

Thank you for reading.

Ask me anything.

submitted by /u/SaschaEderer
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