This AI Alliance involving Meta, IBM, and other companies/institutions is nothing more than a bunch of defeated Losers.
This AI Alliance involving Meta, IBM, and other companies/institutions is nothing more than a bunch of defeated Losers.

This AI Alliance involving Meta, IBM, and other companies/institutions is nothing more than a bunch of defeated Losers.

They have lost the AI race to the Top players! That is why they are pivoting to Open Source , to gain a competitive advantage not due to any sympathy of heart. These companies would die to be in the position Microsoft, google, and Amazon are right now with their closed source models. The telltale sign is too look at hardware players. Nividia hasn't joined because theirs making money hand over fist while AMD has to because Nvidia is outcompeting them. HAHA I guess they don't like monopolies when it's not themselves. HA Get Rekt.

submitted by /u/Major_Fishing6888
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