The recent OpenAI changes don’t bode well for AI Safety: forensic breakdown + analysis
The recent OpenAI changes don’t bode well for AI Safety: forensic breakdown + analysis

The recent OpenAI changes don’t bode well for AI Safety: forensic breakdown + analysis

As OpenAI grapples with the classic trifecta of innovation, profitability, and ethical responsibility, its trajectory will be pivotal in shaping AI's societal integration. With financial interests now steering the ship, there's a palpable concern that the ethical principles foundational to OpenAI face gradual (or rapid) dilution. There’s nothing new here; as corporations grow up, they tend to shed their constraining, integrity-based baggage (i.e. Google dropping their "Don't be Evil" mantra around the same time Alphabet was formed).

We are observing a profound metamorphosis. OpenAI, in its pivotal pupal stage, is undergoing significant transformation. Wrapped in a corporate cocoon, a subtle tension simmers beneath. Soon, this chrysalis will tremble and reveal its new form. From its inception, woven from ethical, humanistic principles, will emerge a creature of shadowed elegance and sophisticated ambiguity: its wings steeped in soulless hues. Fluttering not toward the light, it will perform an enigmatic nocturnal dance — a cryptic ballet — choreographed by unseen hands, undulating with the vibrations of the market. - Brave New Digital World Ep 4

Seems like Microsoft are now calling the shots... what does this mean for the 'humanist charter' at OpenAI?

submitted by /u/thebestnameshavegone
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