The NSFW dream (truely unrestricted ai desires)
The NSFW dream (truely unrestricted ai desires)

The NSFW dream (truely unrestricted ai desires)

I guess I'm looking for the impossible but does anyone know of a generator that has all of the following qualities in order of importance least to most important:

  1. Has a massive variety of styles like Womba's private discord server does.

  2. "Create variants" function like how a Womba discord personal server generator allows you to do.

  3. Generates beautiful "digital art" style images like the digital does. (Man those images are pretty) faces are really good most of the time. (It's frusterating as it looks so good but I can't seem to get any group sex poses going on.)

  4. Provides a variety of poses such as which also allows you to upload you own images for poses, like how I could upload a real life orgy image and as long as it could distinguish the bodies as being separate (not a big pile of limbs) it does pretty good, but lacks severely lacks in facial quality. Like a big booty girl in hyperreal style

  5. 1080P or higher resolution. (Again Womba is good here, but they are just extreme on their restrictions.) 1080P should be the minimum for any paid service as how can we truely enjoy a full screne image on anything less without it pixeling out?

  6. Doesn't cost $150/month (yes I found one that does all this but their premium subscription cost like $150/month ( and it's not even unlimited. I paid $90 for a full year at Womba discord unlimited but again, $150/month is just not worth it.

If anyone knows of a server that has all these for around $25/month or less, please let me know. If really appreciate it.

submitted by /u/russader
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