The global AI arms race is much more about competing businesses than about competing governments
The global AI arms race is much more about competing businesses than about competing governments

The global AI arms race is much more about competing businesses than about competing governments

There's a lot of talk about governments throughout the world building their own ais primarily for the purpose of national security. among these are the governments of the u.s., china, india, the u.k. and france. it's said that this is why pausing or halting ai development is not a viable option. no country can afford to be left behind.

government ais, however, perhaps with the exception of countries like china that maintain very close ties with private businesses, will for the most part be involved in security matters that have a little impact on the everyday lives of the citizens of those countries. at least in times of peace.

the same cannot, however, be said for ais developed expressly for the private citizens and businesses of these countries. this is where the main battles of the ai arms race will be waged

imagine, for example, if business interests in china were first in the world to develop an agi that was so successful at picking stocks that they were able to corner the world's financial markets. that success would soon after result in massive transfers of wealth from all other countries to china.

such transfers would improve the quality of life in china, and reduce it in every other country. such transfers could become so substantial that the global community begin to consider creating a new system of wealth allocation between the countries of the world.

because of such a prospect, it is in everyone's interest everywhere to neither pause nor halt ai development, but rather to move on it full speed ahead.

submitted by /u/Georgeo57
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