The Future seems so Uncertain
The Future seems so Uncertain

The Future seems so Uncertain

I've been having mixed feelings about AI since gpt-4 and I've watched a lot of interviews with AI experts during that time . While I know we're living in one of the most interesting and pivotal times in human history (this century), I can't help but think this technology is completely unpredictable. You've got some guys sprouting up the benefits it could have on humanity, while the others on the end of the spectrum pronouncing humanity doom. Theirs also some in the middle, but I think all of these guys are just make very educated guess because the term singularity in of itself means just that an unpredictable event. Both sides have valid arguments, but also both sides benefit by saying these things (views/investments). I was wondering if anyone on this sub was having these feelings as well, like an anxious nervous type of feeling as toward how much the future will be changed with more highly "intelligent" AI. Sometimes I wonder if it would've been better to been born at a earlier date like the 80s so that I wouldn't have to worry so much about it since I'd have already have lived a full life (I'm currently 25). Take a recent interview where the guy says that "Geoff Hinton, one of the major developers of deep learning, is in the process of tidying up his affairs... he believes that we maybe have 4 years left." I don't know what to feel, I guess I'm too much of a cynic, and others I believe are a bit blindly optimist.

submitted by /u/Embarrassed-Box-4861
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