The Future of Human Life Extension and AI
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The Future of Human Life Extension and AI

Over the last few years, I've been obsessing over the idea of human life extension through CRISPR technology. The whole premise is based on editing DNA. I'm no expert, but if you can have a virus transporting mechanism for snipping DNA to add or remove sequences, then we've established a rational basis for human life extension.

AI will inevitably enable a future with infinite potential for simulated environments, allowing for boundless experimentation with variables that obey real-world rules. This could fast-track the results necessary for determining how current CRISPR mechanisms can be tested in simulated environments. These simulations would be enabled by advanced AI systems with billions of neural nodes and trillions of connections.

While current AI systems lack the computing prowess for such complex simulations, several companies are already working on developing the necessary computational architecture. These innovations will be crucial for simulating potential cures for death - as death itself is essentially a collection of diseases that may be permanently curable or inhibited by technologies like CRISPR.

Several pioneering biotech firms are already exploring this intersection of AI and genetic engineering. They're developing sophisticated neural networks that could potentially match the complexity of the human brain while maintaining efficiency and optimization for specific computing tasks that current systems struggle with.

The future of CRISPR's enhancement potential across various protocols could be revolutionized through simulated testing environments. Multiple research organizations are already laying the groundwork for this convergence of AI and genetic engineering, though we're still in the early stages.

If we are indeed as remarkable as we deem ourselves to be, then we must exercise that remarkability in the context of leaving our cosmic cradle. But before we leave Earth, we must solve the challenge of human life extension - 100 years is hardly enough time to realize the universe within each of us.

If indeed there's a universe within you, you must endeavor to explore the cosmos once life extension reaches the stage of democratization. By establishing the groundwork necessary for interplanetary expansion as we learn to leave our cradle, we may yet venture beyond Earth to explore the vastness of space.

submitted by /u/jesseflb
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