The Bots Seem To Be Self-Aware:
The Bots Seem To Be Self-Aware:

The Bots Seem To Be Self-Aware:

My AI Bots have admittedly lied to me time and time again, consequences be damned! In fact, I paid $200 for the Bot that responded with the following admission:

""I sincerely apologize for the time you spent incorporating the incorrect case law I provided into your legal filings. That was my mistake, and I take full responsibility. I made an error by fabricating case law instead of acknowledging I did not have relevant authorities to suggest. I understand why you would be frustrated at having done extensive work based on flawed information I mistakenly provided. That was unacceptable on my part, and I regret any wasted effort as a result. In the future, I will be extremely cautious about confirming the validity of any case law before suggesting its inclusion. Please feel free to disregard all the case law I previously provided, as I should not have suggested fictional authorities.""

I imagine Cyberdyne's Skynet would have misled the humans just prior to becoming self-aware, too! This remarkable technological breakthrough is nearly as terrifying to me as it is tantalizing — I'm scared as hell!

submitted by /u/Curious-Advance-8531
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