The biggest 2024 AI movement – 2024 election year
The biggest 2024 AI movement – 2024 election year

The biggest 2024 AI movement – 2024 election year

Most experts agree that AI will be impossible to detect even by the Sam Altman's and Elon Musk's of the world. Bots' ability to pass the captcha test and create content will be visible literally on every portion of media available. The low cost of creating a bot and running AI content will make it accessible to every campaign and supporter pursuing an agenda.

Deciphering what is real and what is AI will be impossible. Even with an experienced eye.

This AI-powered content will be extensive in social media and may have a powerful influence on public opinion.

It may even be the reason social media's become paid platforms? is this related?

Creating an AI bot or having bots that mimic human behavior is cheap. Many bot farms for any political candidate will be created. Either by the parties that exist or by supporters pushing for their agendas.

By adding a paid structure even if it's just $1 to these platforms we disrupt the mathematics of the cost of running nearly free bot programs to influence an audience.

Why? Credit card number, Address, Zipcode, and Social Security unique identifiers that can't be replicated.

I maintain optimism about AI potential but I'm very interested to see how social companies will choose to manage the influx of agenda-oriented information.

Let's hear on how you think this will go.

submitted by /u/prosperousprocessai
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