Thanks to AI, the future of programming may involve YELLING IN ALL CAPS
Thanks to AI, the future of programming may involve YELLING IN ALL CAPS

Thanks to AI, the future of programming may involve YELLING IN ALL CAPS

  • The future of programming may involve human-like communication techniques, including yelling in all caps.

  • OpenAI's DALL-E 3 AI image generator integrated into ChatGPT revealed internal prompts shared between the image generator and the AI assistant.

  • The prompts included commands written in all-caps for emphasis.

  • This shows that programming and communicating with computers may become more human-like in the future.

  • Previously, programs used specialized data formats and APIs to communicate, but now large language models allow for cross-program interaction in conventional English.

  • OpenAI trained GPT-4, the AI model used in ChatGPT DALL-E interface, on hundreds of millions of documents scraped from the web, which included instances of polite language and reactions to it.

  • The use of all-caps in the DALL-E message is interpreted as emphasis, and the model pays more attention to capitalized sentences.

  • In the future, programming and communicating with computers may involve more emphasis and human-like communication techniques.

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submitted by /u/NuseAI
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