Suno V4 has come out and it is nuts. And Im worried for the future of the Music industry. V4 NEW example. WARNING: Kinda loud…
SSuunnoo VV44 hhaass ccoommee oouutt aanndd iitt iiss nnuuttss.. AAnndd IImm wwoorrrriieedd ffoorr tthhee ffuuttuurree ooff tthhee MMuussiicc iinndduussttrryy.. VV44 NNEEWW eexxaammppllee.. WWAARRNNIINNGG:: KKiinnddaa lloouudd

Suno V4 has come out and it is nuts. And Im worried for the future of the Music industry. V4 NEW example. WARNING: Kinda loud…

Suno V4 has come out and it is nuts. And Im worried for the future of the Music industry. V4 NEW example. WARNING: Kinda loud...

THIS IS A REUPLOUD: I feel like the previous example wasn't as "good" as I thought it was? So, I did some tweaks and make this, I really like it tbh. It's definitely not perfect, there's some off key parts, but this was the best one out of 10 others.

Suno recently made their V4.

And I gave the Al the song Ghosts and Stuff and asked it to cover it into Industrial-Rock.

This was the result:

It's not the full song as you can only upload 2 mins of audio in premium.

submitted by /u/Serious_Tomatillo895
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