Starting a project: AI based adaptive tutoring system
Starting a project: AI based adaptive tutoring system

Starting a project: AI based adaptive tutoring system

Alright, so I want to start of by saying that I am in the very very early stages, of this project. Like information/requirements gathering stage...

Essentially, I want to develop a prototype for an open source adaptive knowledge space based learning/tutoring system that leverages workflow and AI.

At a high level it would look something like this:

  1. Develop a workflow process that allows for the system to parse content from a textbook or similar type educational material into a relational knowledge space.

  2. Using a combination of the text the knowledge space is based on and the knowledge space itself, leverage AI to establish knowledge pre-requesities. (Think you have to know how to add before you can learn to multiply)

  3. Utilize that information to dynamically generate learning content in an audio and visual format (for simplicity, a slide-deck style presentation with a speaking avatar and AI for text to voice)

  4. Implement a form of dynamic testing to gauge competency in the knowledge space and based on that adaptively advance or perform remedial tutoring.

In other words, a system that allows for you to upload a book, and have that system automatically develop interactive and adaptive training, in a manner that is similar to but hopefully better than something like ALEKS.. and make it free and open source and being dynamically generatated can teach anything to anyone.

It will be a prototype.. and will probably suck, but if I can even halfway manage this, maybe someone (or someone's) can look at whatever garbage I create and make something functional that will eventually allow for the full open sourcing of all education, for everything, for free.

Yes, I know, I'm an ambitious idiot.. might as well shoot for the moon though. And again, I'm super early in this... Just gathering info/requirements before I start trying to dig deep into this crazy project.

Thoughts, ideas, resources, and even insults are appreciated!

submitted by /u/IWantAGI
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