Speechwriting- easiest way to train AI to sound more like previous speeches??
Speechwriting- easiest way to train AI to sound more like previous speeches??

Speechwriting- easiest way to train AI to sound more like previous speeches??

What’s the simplest way to train AI to write a speech to match a voice?

Sometime I have to write speeches for my boss. My boss has been doing this awhile, so I probably have 50 or so of their previous speeches. (They love talking to employees at gatherings, motivational stuff, they’re all about 10 minutes or 1300 words, but the topics do vary)

Is there a relatively simple way I could train AI with these previous speeches to produce new speeches that sound like my boss?

Not a programmer by any significant means. Would something like Novelcrafter work for something like this? Would it be worth it to try to figure out finetuning / using something like claude?

What would you do that would be the simplest way to accomplish this?

Thank you.

submitted by /u/nitewake
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