Skills / capabilities / knowledge required to perform well as an AI product manager?
Skills / capabilities / knowledge required to perform well as an AI product manager?

Skills / capabilities / knowledge required to perform well as an AI product manager?

Skills / capabilities / knowledge required to perform well as an AI product manager?

I've just joined a tech company as a Sr. AI product manager. I have done some data science work in the past. Previously, I was a UX focused PM for the Azure Machine Learning platform. I've never undergone formal machine learning training / education. I'm going back to the basics and asking this community - - - what all do I need to know / need to be able to do (on the technical front) so I can be an outstanding AI product manager? Feel free to list and suggest anything.

Some context on my job. It is a zero to low maturity org in terms of AI / ML adoption. I have the chance to drive it from the ground up in terms of a) setting up ai ml infrastructure, systems, and processes b) ai ml initiatives to improve the company's operations + increase revenue and profits and c) products and features to solve customer needs

Forget my past experience, think of me as a beginner and learner 🙏🏼♥️

submitted by /u/freshlimesoda65
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