Shower thought: The skeptics/pundits scoffing at LLM’s "next word predicter" gaffes and current capability gaps doubting it will ever amount to AGI/ASI, or ever seriously threaten white-collar jobs, are EXACTLY like the horse-wagon drivers in early 1900’s scoffing at "slow clunky unreliable cars"
Shower thought: The skeptics/pundits scoffing at LLM’s "next word predicter" gaffes and current capability gaps doubting it will ever amount to AGI/ASI, or ever seriously threaten white-collar jobs, are EXACTLY like the horse-wagon drivers in early 1900’s scoffing at "slow clunky unreliable cars"

Shower thought: The skeptics/pundits scoffing at LLM’s "next word predicter" gaffes and current capability gaps doubting it will ever amount to AGI/ASI, or ever seriously threaten white-collar jobs, are EXACTLY like the horse-wagon drivers in early 1900’s scoffing at "slow clunky unreliable cars"

History repeats itself. But this time, the cars are going to be driving themselves, quite literally...

Also, to emphasize the obvious for the easily head-wooshed in the crowd: THE AI YOU SEE TODAY IS NOT THE AI YOU WILL SEE TOMORROW. AND TOMORROW COMES FAST.

Best to holster that premature skepticism born of desperate self-worth preservation psychology, and start preparing for a future where computers are dancing Sonic the hedgehog circles around your slow fleshy human brain (mine included). Capitalism and our world is in for a rude awakening, because wait 2-3 years, this new reality will become painfully obvious very soon, no longer ambiguous or a "maybe".

Emphasis on "pain", especially for those thinking UBI or some great philosophical awakening will save them. More like mass greed followed by gov ineptitude followed by mass economic depressions followed by torches, followed by... (???) probably nothing favorable, if history and human nature have any vote in the prediction. If you doubt this, you're definitely not thinking it through or know what's up, and are in full ostrich mode, blue-pill prescriber, Wall-E hoverchair mode, etc pick your fav pop-culture analogy there.

Anyway, mostly just wanted to share the similarity between now and around 100 years ago, when no doubt there were horse-wagon drivers parked by the side of the road laughing at some guy whose Model T had broken down in the mud.

Didn't laugh for very long, did they...

PS: For those tempted to write "yeah, and the horse guys all became car drivers and mechanics, big deal!", then here's the thing: you don't really understand what AI actually is, do you? Cmon, be honest...

submitted by /u/Strange_Emu_1284
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