Searching for an internship in AI for my bachelor thesis
Searching for an internship in AI for my bachelor thesis

Searching for an internship in AI for my bachelor thesis

I am a Belgian student currently studying applied informatics with a specialization in AI. We learn everything from machine learning to generative AI, and have a focus on integrating these into actual solutions.

Next semester I am required to do an internship from March 25th till June 19th. During this internship I am also required to work on and write my bachelor thesis.

The main problem now is that there are very little companies that have contacted the school with internship positions related to AI. So I came here in the hopes that some of you may know companies that are willing to offer an internship position. Either in Belgium or an international company offering remote work.

My preference goes out to something in research or innovative, but I am open to do any AI related work. If it is something I have little experience in I will learn.

I will continue to search myself, but thanks in advance for any help!

submitted by /u/ETS_Green
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