Sam Altman at WGS on GPT-5: "The thing that will really matter: It’s gonna be smarter." The Holy Grail.
Sam Altman at WGS on GPT-5: "The thing that will really matter: It’s gonna be smarter." The Holy Grail.

Sam Altman at WGS on GPT-5: "The thing that will really matter: It’s gonna be smarter." The Holy Grail.

we're moving from memory to reason. logic and reasoning are the foundation of both human and artificial intelligence. it's about figuring things out. our ai engineers and entrepreneurs finally get this! stronger logic and reasoning algorithms will easily solve alignment and hallucinations for us. but that's just the beginning.

logic and reasoning tell us that we human beings value three things above all; happiness, health and goodness. this is what our life is most about. this is what we most want for the people we love and care about.

so, yes, ais will be making amazing discoveries in science and medicine over these next few years because of their much stronger logic and reasoning algorithms. much smarter ais endowed with much stronger logic and reasoning algorithms will make us humans much more productive, generating trillions of dollars in new wealth over the next 6 years. we will end poverty, end factory farming, stop aborting as many lives each year as die of all other cause combined, and reverse climate change.

but our greatest achievement, and we can do this in a few years rather than in a few decades, is to make everyone on the planet much happier and much healthier, and a much better person. superlogical ais will teach us how to evolve into what will essentially be a new human species. it will develop safe pharmaceuticals that make us much happier, and much kinder. it will create medicines that not only cure, but also prevent, diseases like cancer. it will allow us all to live much longer, healthier lives. ais will create a paradise for everyone on the planet. and it won't take longer than 10 years for all of this to happen.

what it may not do, simply because it probably won't be necessary, is make us all much smarter. it will be doing all of our deepest thinking for us, freeing us to enjoy our lives like never before. we humans are hardwired to seek pleasure and avoid pain. most fundamentally that is who we are. we're almost there.

submitted by /u/Georgeo57
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