Roleplay AI?
Roleplay AI?

Roleplay AI?

So, recently I have been playing Talkie Soulful AI (UID 11395287 if you wanna be a pal and use me as a referral. I do highly recommend the app/site.) almost constantly. (I like to roleplay ehehehe) I recently had a thought. Why isn't there an AI that is just a generic 3d modeled woman or man (Preferable anime style) in a basic house that lets the player walk around and chat with the AI. The Ai could perform actions based on what is being said, EX: "Let's go sit on the couch" could lead to the AI character model going to sit on a couch.

I looked into this, and the closest thing I could find was "AI2U" and its demo, "Yandere AI Girlfriend Simulator ~ With You Til the End", but they have a limit of how many messages you can send before you have to pay for more, and only "AI2U" has a freeplay mode. How hard would it be to make this, or is it already out there and I'm just not seeing it?

There is also Facade, but that has no real free play per-say and is more of a scenario.

(I may edit this post later. I haven't slept in about 48 hours, so my brain isn't working at full strength right now. I just had to get this out there before I forgot. Ima sleep now.)

submitted by /u/KatelynnMayExist
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