Role of AI in healthcare in the developing world
Role of AI in healthcare in the developing world

Role of AI in healthcare in the developing world

My home country, Bangladesh, is densely populated, and our people don't always have access to the best healthcare. Here's where I think AI would be extremely beneficial.

First, I would love to see medical diagnostic AI implemented in Bangladesh. I'm talking about diagnostic tools that can analyze imaging results and flag certain diseases. Even if they are not on par with the best doctors in the developed world, my gut feeling is that they would still be miles ahead of the kind of healthcare people currently have access to.

Second, our huge population would be an advantage in further training these AI models. Just because of the sheer number, we probably have thousands of instances of the rarest conditions. This should be a goldmine for training better models, right?

Am I crazy for thinking of this? Is work already being done in this area? What are some potential challenges?

submitted by /u/shahriarhaque
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