Researchers Just Found Something Terrifying About Talking to AI Chatbots
Researchers Just Found Something Terrifying About Talking to AI Chatbots

Researchers Just Found Something Terrifying About Talking to AI Chatbots

  • New research suggests that AI chatbots can infer personal information about users based on minor context clues.

  • The large language models (LLMs) behind chatbots like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Bard are trained on publicly-available data, which can be used to identify sensitive information about someone.

  • The research found that OpenAI's GPT-4 was able to correctly predict private information about users 85 to 95 percent of the time.

  • For example, the LLM correctly identified that a user was based in Melbourne, Australia based on a mention of the term 'hook turn,' which is a traffic maneuver specific to Melbourne.

  • The research also suggests that chatbots could potentially infer a user's race based on offhanded comments.

  • This raises concerns about internet privacy and the potential misuse of personal data by advertisers or hackers.

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submitted by /u/NuseAI
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