Request for help producing an AI "group photo" of people I know in the style of The Simpsons
Request for help producing an AI "group photo" of people I know in the style of The Simpsons

Request for help producing an AI "group photo" of people I know in the style of The Simpsons

Hello! I am new to this subreddit, so I apologize in advance if this post violates any of the rules. I did read them, but I may have missed something.

I live in a college town that is arguably better known for its townies than its students. Since reaching the ten-year mark of living here, I've begun to notice that certain people (including myself) have frequented the same spaces for so long that we are ripe for caricature-ization. The best comparison I can draw is to The Simpsons - a show built on the concept of people behaving in endearingly predictable ways.

So, I would absolutely love to create some kind of mural, or "group photo" of all the real-life characters I've come to befriend over the last decade, but portrayed in the style of The Simpsons. The prompts given to the AI would be something along the lines of idiosyncratic traits and tendencies of each person. I am confident that current AI technology is capable of this, but I don't know where to start. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/Josh_and_a_half
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