Request for Help: Code Generative AI vs Data Generative AI
Request for Help: Code Generative AI vs Data Generative AI

Request for Help: Code Generative AI vs Data Generative AI

I have a large warehouse database that contains over 1k tables. I want to be able to use AI to generate SQL queries, SProcs and functions based on text prompt like we do with Chat GPT.
I could use Chat GPT but there are so many limitations not in the way that I get answers but in the amount of data (tokens) that I can provide and receive before the AI loses the context of my database tables and schema.
I want a system that can learn my database tables and take that into consideration every time I ask specific questions.
I can provide as much information as possible to the AI (tables, columns, possible values...) to get me as close as it can to the final result.
I found a few machine learning systems like MindsDB, but they all work with data prediction through AI tables and are not focused on the DDL and DML to generate code.
If you have any thoughts on this, please help and share :).

Thank you.

submitted by /u/atryeba
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