Remember That Letter Calling for a Pause on AI? It Didn’t Work
Remember That Letter Calling for a Pause on AI? It Didn’t Work

Remember That Letter Calling for a Pause on AI? It Didn’t Work

  • Despite a letter signed by 500 technologists and business leaders calling for a pause on AI advancements, AI development has continued to accelerate.

  • Companies like OpenAI, Meta, and Amazon have been actively working on newer models and greater capabilities.

  • Advancements in AI include the integration of ChatGPT-style chatbots and AI image generators into various startups and businesses.

  • The so-called pause on AI was more like a firing gun, with companies pouring resources into the AI tech race.

  • Not only have there been technical advancements, but civil society, content creators, and lawmakers have also responded to the evolving AI landscape.

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submitted by /u/NuseAI
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