Recursive self-improvement is here: The AI Scientist is "capable of executing the entire ML research lifecycle: from inventing research ideas and experiments, writing code, to executing experiments on GPUs and gathering results … our system produced papers with novel contributions in ML"
Recursive self-improvement is here: The AI Scientist is "capable of executing the entire ML research lifecycle: from inventing research ideas and experiments, writing code, to executing experiments on GPUs and gathering results … our system produced papers with novel contributions in ML"

Recursive self-improvement is here: The AI Scientist is "capable of executing the entire ML research lifecycle: from inventing research ideas and experiments, writing code, to executing experiments on GPUs and gathering results … our system produced papers with novel contributions in ML"

Recursive self-improvement is here: The AI Scientist is "capable of executing the entire ML research lifecycle: from inventing research ideas and experiments, writing code, to executing experiments on GPUs and gathering results ... our system produced papers with novel contributions in ML" submitted by /u/Maxie445
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