Recommended books/tips to read to survive financially with A.I.
Recommended books/tips to read to survive financially with A.I.

Recommended books/tips to read to survive financially with A.I.

What the title says. I have a free credit on Audible and figured I would use this opportunity to learn how to get in on this Artificial Intelligence stuff. Just some background information about myself... I have an Associate's Degree in computer science but have been pretty bogged down in motivation to continue considering that (in my self proclaimed "boomer" mentality) I may just be useless learning to program especially at my age (hitting 40s). I'm also a 3D artist (environment art, hard surface modeling, and some motion graphics)

Rather than being doom and gloom about it. I just want to learn about Artificial Intelligence and how to take advantage of it so I'm not left behind in the times. Any recommendations and any other tips would be VERY appreciated. Thank you!

submitted by /u/mahkahdamian
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