Recommendations for best AI for extracting relevant information from large document sets
Recommendations for best AI for extracting relevant information from large document sets

Recommendations for best AI for extracting relevant information from large document sets

Hello all,

I don't 'do' AI, so this might be kind of a basic question and I apologize in advance.

I am looking for a good software/model that I can train on a very large data set of technical text documents and ask questions to and get back highly-relevant responses from the documents along with where it pulled the information from. Basically and advanced full-text search function that can formulate answers from a wide body of text. The relevant searching part is more important than the quality of the formulated answer, it is more about finding all the relevant material and identifying the source document/section.

Ideally, I am looking for something that (1) can be run offline/completely locally and on your own server, (2) is free or at least has a decent trial experience, (3) is well established and has a good support base, (4) works well.

I feel like this probably exists and has existed for some time, but I am wondering what is state of the art given the recent developments in AI.

Does anyone have any recommendations of where I might look?


submitted by /u/captainporthos
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