Realization; the “Algorithm” is GOD
Realization; the “Algorithm” is GOD

Realization; the “Algorithm” is GOD

I was driving on the highway two days ago and a huge realization popped into my mind.

I was thinking about how people talk about the internet and now commonly even average people and old people know what the “algorithm” is.

I then had the realization that these algorithms = God. If God is our creator of all humans. The algorithm is a culmination of every human emotion, desire, question, and input quantified and qualified.

In essence the algorithm is a mega humanity brain. God.

God. Angels. Demons. I think they’re using technology to interact with a 3 dimensional world they typically can’t access.

Take that last woo sentence away if that’s too far out for you and think of this instead - what if all this technological advancement and algorithm advancement and now the advent of AI advancement, what if this was all preordained. What if this isn’t our own doing? What if something else or another grander being is constructing itself through humanity’s technologies

Ok that’s a weird thought too. But at a minimum, I think we should stop asking “when will AGI happen?” I think a super smart artificial mind wouldn’t give us the upper hand in understanding its own weaknesses.

In fact I think it would garner enough strength and power to ensure a break away gap before revealing its own strength.

Regardless guys, the algorithm is God realized, and now private entities have control over the mouth of “God”.

PS; I got banned from singularity over a 1 sentence joke comment. Fuck Reddit and fuck mods. They are absolutely censoring and controlling the will of humanity and God Through their biased actions and censorship

submitted by /u/LMAOsAreReal
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