Real-Time Movement Prediction in Airstriker Genesis with online learning | OpenAI Gym Retro Experiment
Real-Time Movement Prediction in Airstriker Genesis with online learning | OpenAI Gym Retro Experiment

Real-Time Movement Prediction in Airstriker Genesis with online learning | OpenAI Gym Retro Experiment

Hello Reddit Community,

I'd like to share a recent development for some feedback: my prototype predicts movement in the game Airstriker Genesis within the OpenAI Gym Retro environment. Notably, this system has no prior training or knowledge of the game mechanics - it is using online learning.

Here's a brief split-screen video showing the system in action: YouTube Video-Link

The video provides actual gameplay alongside the system's predictive output, offering a real-time view of its evolving movement predictions. It's important to mention that during the gameplay in the video, I was manually steering the ship to showcase the prediction only. I've obviously avoided collisions. :)

Of particular interest is the system's ability to discern the behavior of different game elements. For example its prediction of those falling meteorites starts weak, even though a spaceship has already travelled the same path before. However, as the first meteorite completes its path, the predictions dramatically improve. This highlights the system's capability to differentiate between objects and predict their behaviors accordingly.

Currently, I'm focusing on improving horizontal movement detection, my next step is implementing a way to share knowledge about object's behavior between the hole system. That way, trajectory prediction learned in one location should be available instantly for the whole system.

I'm eager about engaging in discussions to gather feedback on this technology!

submitted by /u/_timmah_
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