Quora’s Poe app/site (which lets you try lots of different language models) appears to allow file attachment upload for EVERY chat model now
Quora’s Poe app/site (which lets you try lots of different language models) appears to allow file attachment upload for EVERY chat model now

Quora’s Poe app/site (which lets you try lots of different language models) appears to allow file attachment upload for EVERY chat model now

I swear this wasn't the case just a day or two ago, and I haven't seen it mentioned, but I'm now seeing a file upload button in Poe, regardless of what the language model is!


I uploaded the PDF of the recently scientific paper by the Korean research group claiming to have discovered a room temperature semiconductor, in the original Korean, and asked various language models whether they thought the methodology is legit, and each bot I tried was able to read the PDF. I tried Claude-instant, Claude2, 'Assistant' (Poe's own GPT based bot that claims to have its own training dataset), PaLM, ChatGPT 3.5, and ChatGPT4.

Poe also has three versions of the recently released Llama model by Meta. It gave me an error when I tried to ask it about the PDF attachment, but I was able to upload a text document and it was able to read it fine.

Screenshot of Claude-instant evaluating PDF

Screenshot of Google PaLM evaluating PDF

Screenshot of Llama-2-70b evaluating text file containing song lyrics

It also works with custom bots. Here's me trying it out with a 'Truth Checker' bot I made (based on Claude-Instant).

Here it is using a Claude-2 based version of the TruthChecker bot.

(Here's the link to the TruthChecker bot if you have Poe and wanna check it out: https://poe.com/TruthChecker)

Edit: I can see here how the context size matters... for instance, Claude-Instant only has a context size of about 7k words, so it clearly can't read the whole paper, while Claude-2 can and gives a very different answer...

TL:DR; looks like Poe.com allows file attachment/upload on all language models now. No idea what filetypes are supported.

submitted by /u/AnticitizenPrime
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