Quick Recap of AI News – 1/24/24
Quick Recap of AI News – 1/24/24

Quick Recap of AI News – 1/24/24

Here’s a quick recap of AI news combining context and sassy flavor so you’re always up to date:

Democracy beware! Fake AI Joe Biden robocalls urging people not to vote, while British intelligence warns that AI could surge ransomware. MIT says AI won't steal your job (AI is too expensive…for now). Meanwhile, SAP restructures to focus on, you guessed it, AI. Sam Altman seeks to reduce OpenAI’s reliance on Nvidia and will meet with Samsung in Seoul. Meanwhile, Microsoft’s building a team to shrink its AI models. The Weimar Triangle (Germany, France, and Poland) form an AI alliance, and Oklahoma wants to be the ‘AI capital’ (guess even robots need some southern hospitality 🤠❤️️). Lastly, let's not forget Trump praying in church (with 6 fingers).

Google's showering Chrome with AI love – new features include a writing assistant, theme creator, and tab organizer. So now, not only can you procrastinate more efficiently, but you can do it in style! 🌈 Google also unveiled a new AI video generator called Lumiere and it’s phenomenal. Ex-boyfriend in your favorite video? Not for long. Meanwhile, Tesla's self-driving beta just got AI smarter, adjusting speeds like a pro, Snapchat lets you adopt adorable AI pets, and Bloomberg's tests out AI earnings call summaries. 🐶📈

New theories suggest chatbots truly understand text, not just mimic it, and Microsoft's patenting emotion-detecting tech to make them even more intuitive. Bots are also getting musical, with an AI system learning to compose based on how our noggins process sound. And Too Good To Go’s AI platform helping grocery chains reduce waste. Less expired milk in the trash? Music to my ears! 🥛🗑️

Sources included at: https://www.aiwithstyle.com/p/google-unveils-lumiere-ai-video-generator

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submitted by /u/AIWithStyle
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